The Three Rs: A Sustainable Approach to Turbine Lubricant Management

Presented by Matthew Hobbs, Ph.D., Manager of Research, Development and Technical Services at EPT Clean Oil
A Sustainable Approach to Turbine Lubricant Management
Fact: Current CO2 emissions are not sustainable.
Fact: To operate sustainably and achieve Net Zero 2050, we all need to cut emissions every way we can, and we can help achieve this goal together with relatively small changes and by improving and following best practices for oil maintenance.
Fact: The energy sector accounts for 76% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and electricity production accounts for one-third of that.
Fact: Every litre of oil produced results in approximately 3.5 kg of CO2 emissions.
Fact: We have the opportunity to make changes to turbine lubricant management and maintenance programs that can have a global impact. Small changes can have a big impact on reducing CO2 emissions.
In Matt’s presentation, learn how through the adoption of three NEW R’s your turbine lubricant management and maintenance programs can generate a significant economic and environmental ROI.
Typically, turbines have been regarded as assets and oils as consumables. We would argue oils are assets too.
Oils are condemned based on chemical breakdown – the accumulation of varnish, acids and other oil oxidation products. Since this is a chemistry problem, you need a chemistry solution.
In a recent poll of gas turbine users, one in five reported that they had lost production in the past year due to a varnish-related failure.
It can pay to do the right thing!