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Oil and Water Don’t Mix

Water contamination in steam turbine lube oil reservoirs is an ever-present threat to reliable operation. Reservoirs are susceptible to moisture entering through steam leaks, seal bypass, and condensation in the reservoir headspace. As steam turbines operate, the risk of water ingress into the lubricant reservoir remains constant. Without a proper solution, the consequences can be dire (and costly): corrosion, fluid degradation, reduced lubrication efficiency and, ultimately, equipment failure.

To tackle this issue, various water separation technologies, such as centrifugal separation, vacuum dehydration, and coalescing filtration, have been employed in steam turbine lubricant systems.

1. Centrifugal Separation

High-speed rotation creates a centrifugal force that separates water from the lubricant based on their density differences. The heavier water droplets move to the outer edge and are collected, while the lighter oil remains in the center. This technology has traditionally been used in larger systems where significant water contamination is expected.


  • High Initial Cost
  • Significant Energy Consumption
  • Regular Maintenance Required
  • Ineffective with Emulsified Water
  • Large Size and Space Requirements
  • Significant Noise and Vibration
  • Potential Oil Loss during the separation process

2. Vacuum Dehydration

Vacuum dehydration systems remove water via a vacuum distillation process in a kidney loop system under a high-vacuum, heated environment. This is achieved by lowering the fluid’s boiling point under vacuum, which allows water to evaporate at lower temperatures. The water vapour is then condensed and removed. This technology is ideal for applications requiring precise moisture control, such as critical turbine systems.


  • High Initial Cost
  • Significant Energy Consumption
  • Difficulty Removing Emulsified Water
  • Regular Maintenance Requirements
  • Time-consuming
  • Oil Volatility
  • Potential Oil Oxidation
  • Not Designed for Solids
  • Large Physical Footprint
  • Sensitivity to Process Conditions

3. Coalescing Filtration

Traditional Coalescing filters combine small water droplets into larger ones that are easier to separate. The lubricant passes through a specialized filter media that traps and agglomerates water droplets, which settle out of the oil due to gravity. Coalescer technology is widely used to remove free water from lubricating oil reservoirs.


  • Difficulty Removing Emulsified Water
  • Sensitivity to Contaminants
  • Clogging and Fouling
  • Filter Degradation
  • Flow Rate Sensitivity
  • Limited Lifespan of Filter Media

It’s Time to Get the Wet Out

At EPT Clean Oil, we have tirelessly worked to understand the root causes of lubricant failure in steam turbines and other applications with the potential for high rates of water ingression. Ultimately, we’ve found that these contamination events are most serious when oils separate poorly from water. Fortunately, SVR® has long been a useful tool for restoring oil-water separability (demulsibility).

To make an already excellent conditioning tool even better, EPT Clean Oil’s Product Development team have expanded the scope of SVR use to include water-removal, in addition to its well-established lubricant chemistry management abilities (varnish-removal, oil life extension and demulsibility restoration). This comprehensive, integrated solution is SVR HYDRO, which offers absorption of soluble contamination, micro-filtration of insoluble contaminants, and mechanical coalescing to fully restore and protect fluids in a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy solution. Using 85% less energy than vacuum dehydration or centrifugal separation technologies, the SVR HYDRO expedites water extraction with single-pass water-removal efficiencies of up to 90%, allowing for multi-pass water removal to < 200 ppm. 

Combining patented ICB® ion-exchange technology with coalescer technology, the SVR HYDRO separates itself from traditional water-removal technologies by providing a powerful solution for removing free and emulsified water from lubricating oil systems. This hybrid approach leverages the strengths of both technologies to address the challenges posed by emulsified water contamination.

Meet TMR®AquaPurge Coalescer

This innovative coalescing technology uses advanced filter media specifically designed to remove emulsified water. It also uses hydrophobic membranes that repel water while allowing oil to pass through.

Integrating emulsion-reducing ICB® ion exchange and TMR® AquaPurge coalescer technologies creates a synergistic effect, enhancing the overall efficiency of water removal in lubricating oil systems.

1. Pre-Treatment with patented ICB® Ion-Exchange: reduces the amount of emulsified water before the oil even reaches the coalescer.

  • ICB® ion-exchange resins remove the dissolved contaminants that stabilize oil-water emulsions, allowing the coalescer to function more effectively.
  • This pre-treatment breaks down stable oil-water emulsions, reducing the load on the TMR® AquaPurge Coalescer and improving its efficiency.

2. TMR® AquaPurge Coalescer: removes the remaining free water and any less stable emulsions.

  • The coalescer more effectively merges and separates water into larger droplets after the ICB ion-exchange process.
  • This two-step process ensures a more thorough removal of free and emulsified water than previously possible.

Operational Advantages of SVR HYDRO

  • Enhanced Water-Removal: The combination of ICB ion-exchange and TMR AquaPurge Coalescer technologies allows for more effective water-removal, addressing the dissolved and emulsified water that a single technology will likely struggle with.
  • Prolonged Oil Life: This hybrid approach effectively removes water and other contaminants, maintaining the lubricant’s quality and extending its service life.
  • Reduced Maintenance and Increased Uptime: Better water removal minimizes the risk of failure, corrosion, oxidation, and other water-related issues, reducing maintenance and downtime. SVR HYDRO also extends service intervals with a maintenance-friendly design and redundant fail safes, mitigating mechanical failure risks and providing worry-free operation.
  • Significant Energy Savings: Uses only15% of the energy required for traditional water-removal technologies.
  • Reduced Footprint: An integrated solution that addresses all water-removal needs by preventing emulsion formation and effectively removing any water that enters a lube oil system.
  • Automatic Water Leg Drain: EPT Clean Oil’s unique PLC control logic allows for worry-free, unattended operation with auto water drain features and redundant fail-safe control logic. The SVR HYDRO also offers a built-in water leg counter to track your water removal performance and efficiency.


By combining patented ICB ion-exchange technology with advanced TMR AquaPurge Coalescer media, SVR HYDRO significantly enhances the effectiveness of water removal in lubricating oil systems. Unlike traditional technologies, this hybrid integrated system addresses free and emulsified water, offering a comprehensive solution that improves oil quality, prolongs equipment life, and reduces maintenance costs and overall energy consumption.

Get the wet out with EPT Clean Oil.