TMR water removal system

TMR Water Removal: The Security Your Reservoir Needs To Feel Safe

The most harmful and damaging contaminant found in hydraulic and lubricating systems is water. The source of water contamination can be from mechanical processes or atmospheric ingression. In systems vented to the atmosphere, humid air above the lubricant transfers water via condensation. Although breather elements offer some mitigation, they cannot prevent atmospheric water ingression.

The TMR® water removal system provides unlimited capacity to remove water and eliminate atmospheric water ingression. High purity nitrogen introduced into the reservoir headspace above the lubricant surface forms a nitrogen blanket. As the clean, dry, nitrogen gas sweeps across the reservoir, it provides insulation. This eliminates the ingression of atmospheric water. The result – management of factors that accelerate oxidation.

Eliminate Water Contamination from Hydraulic and Lubricating Fluids

Water can exist in 3 forms: free, dissolved and emulsified. Free water is the excess water above the fluid’s saturation point and is visible as a separate layer. Dissolved water is below the fluid’s saturation point and is not visible. Emulsified water is the point in between free and dissolved where water first becomes visible as a haze. The key point is that just because you cannot see water, does not mean it is not there.

For proactive hydraulic fluid and turbine lube oil maintenance, it is important to manage the drivers of oxidation. TMR water removal eliminates fluid contact with oxygen, which along with water and metals, comprise the 3 primary catalysts of oxidation.

TMR Water Removal Features and Benefits

  • Eliminate the ingression of atmospheric water, particulate, and metal ions through a free-flowing high purity nitrogen (≥97%) blanket
  • Maintains water at very low levels (<50 ppm total or <350 ppm for EHC fluids) reducing the rate of lubricant breakdown
  • Eliminates lubricant contact with oxygen, reducing oxidation and promoting the removal of H2, CO, C2H4 and other harmful breakdown gases
  • Extends fluid life
  • Very low maintenance requirements
  • Immediate payback, high ROI

Long life. Low cost. Minimal maintenance.

With a typical life of 10 years, no moving parts or electrical requirements, TMR N2 systems are extremely cost effective and ideally suited to atmospheric breathing reservoirs or systems with low to moderate water ingression rates.

Make Informed Decisions with our ACE™ Oil Analysis

Submit an oil sample today to get a comprehensive, ASTM compliant understanding of your in-service oil’s condition and remaining lifetime so that it can be aligned with future maintenance windows and proactive strategies for optimization.